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LM Begins Partnership With The City of Warsaw

We are pleased to announce that we have officially partnered with the City of Warsaw and that our team will be working to make city services more accessible to Spanish-speaking community members.

President and Founder Lucas Fonseca

On the first day of the month, President and Founder Lucas Fonseca presented the plan for the first stage of this project- a study called the "Welcomeness and Friendliness Report" to Mayor Thallemer and the city department heads at City Hall. This stage is designed to acquire and analyze data from city departments and Spanish-speaking community members that will help make Warsaw a more accessible and welcoming city.

On Friday, Lucas communicated the following to city department heads, as well as Language Matters team members, "I so appreciate your collaboration and support as we take on this exciting challenge to further unify our city. We are very thankful to the City of Warsaw and Mayor Thallemer for making this critical project a priority."

As Language Matters, we are also thankful to all those who have committed time, energy, and resources to make this project successful. Special thanks to our advisor, Benjamin Navarro, for his continuous support with community initiatives.

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1 comentário

Michael Ryan
16 de fev. de 2022

Great job you guys. Warsaw seems like a nice, forward-thinking city.

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