After a successful year working with the City of Warsaw, Indiana, we are so pleased to announce the expansion of our new model: We have officially partnered with the City of Logansport, Indiana! Our team will be working to make city services more accessible to immigrant community members.

On Wednesday August 16th, CEO Lucas Fonseca presented the plan for this project's first stage- a study called the "Welcomeness and Friendliness Report"- to Mayor Martin, Deputy Mayor Pomasl, and the city department heads. This study is designed to acquire and analyze data from city departments and community members that will help make Logansport's city services more accessible to non-English speakers.
Last week, Lucas communicated the following to city department heads, as well as Language Matters team members: "As we've already seen through our work in Warsaw, it takes a whole community working together to make this critical project a success. I so appreciate your collaboration and support as we take on this exciting challenge to further unify the city. We are very thankful to the City of Logansport, Mayor Martin and Deputy Mayor Pomasl for making this initiative a priority."
As Language Matters, we are thankful for the opportunity to continue equipping local government to relate effectively with the growing immigrant population in the State of Indiana.